More competitiveness by customer oriented innovations and E-Business

Active support for small and medium-sized enterprises

Essen, 28.11.2006 – mediadefine GmbH starts its new advisory and support program for strengthening small and medium-sized enterprises in December. It is the aim to strengthen the competitive advantages of enterprises especially by implementing customer oriented innovations, optimisation of business processes and deployment of E.Business and E-Marketing. Thus mediadefine selectively addresses entrepreneurs and deciders in small and medium-sized enterprises with its new program.

The decrease in assignments and the loss of customers often are first indications for a change in the market conditions and the competitiveness. Strategies for adaptations like price cuts, streamlining and dislocation of the headquarters only are very defensive and for a short time. They medium-term miss the aim to manage enterprises entrepreneurially and to implement customer oriented innovations. Often competitive advantages only are worked on too late, namely when the enterprise already is in a crisis. With their program for competitiveness which especially focuses on the areas customer oriented innovations, optimisation of business processes and the deployment of E-Business and E-Marketing, mediadefine wants to work on the correct set screws for strengthening competitive advantages together with deciders.

Realisation of customer oriented innovations

”We support enterprises in implementing the maintenance of competitiveness as a continuing process and to work actively on their competitiveness as market shapers by customer oriented innovations. “, director Rüdiger van Hal says about the services of his enterprise. To accomplish this, mediadefine implements new strategies with the enterprise, increases the innovation potential and discovers new markets. ”We work on enterprises co-creating the market more strongly and not only adapt to changed developments. “, van Hal states.

Scoring earlier by process optimisation and E-Business
E-Business is often depicted simplified as software. But it is a strategy tailored on the enterprise for the achievement of competitive advantages by recreating the enterprise’s business processes and by using new business models. To win market advantages over the competitors, enterprises must organize the business processes under inclusion of their customers, employees and partners more easily, faster and more economically. mediadefine thus offers middle-sized enterprises to create their value creation chain together with them more efficiently by E-Business and to open up new proceeds potentials.

“For us the customer’s advantage explicitly is in the focus. We calculate the success being expected before we originate project measures. “, the technical director Tim Hildebrandt explains the philosophy of mediadefine. “A successfully implemented E-Business strategy will in the future decide even stronger whether enterprises can realise competitive advantages. The implementation of E-Business thus is inescapable for medium-sized enterprises. Who accomplishes this earlier than his competitors can score earlier. And this finally is what it is about.“, Hildebrandt finishes his explanations about the chances of E-Business in enterprises.

More customers by target-oriented E-Marketing
Often a lot of time is spent in planning the design of an internet presence or in implementing a web shop. This is enormously important, but it is only the „half rent“when the web site is not found n search engines or only few visitors use the web site. E-Marketing thus is a key to more visitors. mediadefine thus works on all success factors of an internet page and does not exclusively restrict to the contents and the design. „We have the consumers of our customers buy in the own shop, although the competitor is only a click away. “, van Hal explains the challenge to be solved in E-Marketing. mediadefine thus discusses with her customers which chances and risks derive from digitally made and commercialized services and which new marketing ways and business models are reasonable.

Implementing instead of restricting to advices
"Instead of restricting to consultancy, we implement the strategies and measures proposed by us with our customers. This is our added value over the common consultancy approaches.”, van Hal comments on the approach of his enterprise.

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